(Español) Fillo do Atlántico
Tuesday January 2nd, 2024
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Double gold medal in Cinve 2017
Martín Códax 2016 and Martín Códax Lías 2014 obtained gold medals

1000Caminos, “El Camino de Santiago” contest.
Camino de Santiago, 1000 ways to cover

Martín Códax Vindel, a roll of honor albariño.
(Español) Martín Códax Vindel y Martín Códax Gallaecia, 97 y 94 puntos respectivamente.

Best Cooperative Group of the year
By Sin Mala Uva Guide 2016

Martín Códax Vindel, Best White Wine without oak 2016
AEPEV Awards

IV Martín Códax Music Awards
The names of the finalist have been announced!

Os Showcookings de Códax 2016
Beatriz Sotelo, Yolanda León and Inés Abril

Outono Códax Festival 2016
Sixth edition

Os Xoves de Códax live show
5th Edition

III Edition Martín Códax Music Awards
Submisions are now open!

Martín Códax, Best Young White Wine.
Gourmets Guide 2016

Os Showcookings de Códax
Place: Bodegas Martín Códax

Martín Códax Music Awards Festival
First edition

Outono Códax Festival 5th Edition.
There will be a session in Gijón

Martín Códax Vindel, best white wine by La Semana Vitivinícola

Martín Códax, Gold in Bacchus
It gets one of the highest puntuations in the most important spanish awards.

Martín Códax Lías, Best New White Wine of Spain
Selected by the Spanish Association of Wine Journalist and Writter.

II Martín Códax Music Awards
New categories and recognitions for the music industry.

Os Showcooking de Códax
Live Cook of Pepe Solla, Javier Olleros and Yayo Daporta

Irma Thomas, main artist in the Outono Códax Festival 2014
Fourth edition

Marcos Torres’ serigraphy
Pop exhibition

Os Xoves de Códax
(Español) Get your ticket

Martín Códax, supporter
Gastronomic event in Galicia.

Winery grows a 14%
Invoicing grew in the last year

Martín Códax Galician Music Awards
And the winners are…

Outono Códax Festival
Barbara Lynn y The Chiffons, stars of the festival

World Cup of Basketball 2014
Martín Códax, official white wine

51 Regata Martín Códax Rías Baixas
Solventis wins

Towards a sustainable viticulture
10 years of I+D in Martín Códax

Os Xoves de Códax
Get your ticket.

X Aniversary As Revenidas
Marieta, official wine of the festival

Bodegas Martín Códax presents Agora!
Join us the friday 7th of June at 20.30 hours.

Nine medals in the IWC
Silver medal por Martín Códax and Organistrum

“Quem vê corações”
Photography exhibition

How can you transform your business model?
Business day in Tecnópole

First prizes of 2013
Big Diamond and Golden Bacchus

Cantos na Maré
We invite you to the most important Lusofonic Festival

Bodegas Martín Códax goes on with its growth and diversification strategy.

Bodegas Martín Códax is studying the possibility of using seaweeds to fertilize the vineyards
R+D+i: From the sea to the vineyard. Recovering our traditions

Diarios Sonoros (Sound Diaries). Musical Portraits of the 20th century
Bodegas Martín Códax collaborates again with the Galician City of Culture

Martín Códax in the Vogue Fashion Night Out
Martín Códax collaborates with Kina Fernández in the Fashion Night of Madrid.

World Famous Robert Parker has awarded 90 points to two wines from Bodegas Martín Códax:
the Albariño Burgáns and the Mencía Cuatro Pasos