

Learning and enjoying tasting: the sight

The world of wine for everybody.

Learning and enjoying the tasting: Types of wine tasting.

The world of the wine for everybody.

Learning and enjoying tasting: The tasting

The world of the wine for everybody

New steps on the red carpet

We attend the Crebinsky premiere in Paris.

Bodegas Martín Códax with the Michelin star chefs

During a fantastic boat trip in the Ría de Arousa, more than 20 Michelin Star Chefs tasted our winery Wines!

Bodegas Martín Códax is studying the possibility of using seaweeds to fertilize the vineyards

R+D+i: From the sea to the vineyard. Recovering our traditions


Diarios Sonoros (Sound Diaries). Musical Portraits of the 20th century

Bodegas Martín Códax collaborates again with the Galician City of Culture


Late Harvest

These days we’re harvesting the grapes for making Martín Códax Gallaecia.

Reinventing the “Mojito”

Burgáns albariño, sugar, soda, lime, ice…  and ready to enjoy the new  Mojito.

Ramón Núñez Centella Interview

Ramón Núñez Centella was born in La Coruña in 1946. Being son, grandson and great-grandson of teachers, he decided to change his career from the chemical industry to the science education and spreading. He has been the author and designer of the “House of the Sciences”, the House of the Man (Domus) and the House of the Fishes (Finisterrae Aquarium) in La Coruña as well as the National Museum of Science and Technology that nowadays runs. He has also taken part in the museology design of other different centers, such as the Museu de las Cièncias Príncipe Felipe in Valencia and the Museum of Human Evolution in Burgos. He is the director and author of many different exhibitions and programs of the planetary.Moreover, he has written about a hundred of articles on the popularization of science. He is usual collaborator of different media, such us the magazine Muy Interesante, and author of several books like “Nombres Comunes, Visiones Propias”, “Esta es mi gente” or “Un científico en la cocina”. He was National Science Journalism Award and he is member, among other institutions, of the Galician Gastronomy Academy.   

Fernando Oliva García Interview

The managing director of La Chinata, olive oil company from Extremadura, got involved in the family business when he finished his university career in 2003. He studied Business Management and Administration in Madrid and he has always looked for a very international approach studying two years abroad.

Martín Códax in the Vogue Fashion Night Out

Martín Códax collaborates with Kina Fernández in the Fashion Night of Madrid.