Our name makes reference to a troubadour and poet and because of that our support to the Galician poem has been always a maxim for us.
Again we accompany to the Galician literature, this time in the presentation of the work “Antoloxías poéticas do sentimentalismo – Vangarda Artística Galega“, edited by Xavier Lama and Branca Novoneyra. It took place on 28 of January in the artistic space Bus Station Space of Santiago de Compostela.
The work is the end of a trilogy, written by different authors who, representing different currents of the Galician lyric, have the sentimentalism movement as link. New names and authors already confirmed, as Berta Dávila, Cristina Ferreiro, Xurxo Martínez González, Celia Parra, Elías Portela, Ismael Ramos or Helena Salgueiro take part in this last book of the literature of Galicia.