Last June, the CLUSAGA, the Galician Food & Drink Cluster named the director of Bodegas Martín Códax, Juan. A. Vázquez Gancedo new president of this institution, hence relieving Jose Luis Antuña who has held the position since its founding in 2010.
Elected by the General Assembly, he had held the position of vice-president of the cluster, in addition to be an Expert of the Spanish Wine Market Observatory and a member of the Board of The Wine Technology Platform and coordinator of its marketing committee.
During the event, Juan Vázquez announced the immediate implementation of a new strategic plan that will be carried out in a scene where the European Commission focuses its policies within the framework provided by the Horizonte 2020, integrating measures to make Europe smart.
He advanced the revision of the five lines of action that have guided the work of the cluster during its five years of existence such as the impulsion of R&D and strengthening the capacity of innovation, the improvement of the productivity, processes and sustainability, internationalization or promotion of the company cooperation and the networking.
According to Juan Vázquez, in this new stage “the CLUSAGA must be able to understand and meet the companies and partners in a so changing market”.
For this, he indicates that one of the keys will be “to find and use the tools which analyse it, train managers who unfold in it, approach new distribution channels, investigate those innovations that create trends, open relationships and markets, and find the appropriate interlocutors”.
Parabéns sinceiros e os mellores de éxito.
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Julián Parga