We go on with the pop-indie music. This time with Silvia Penide, winner in this category of the Martín Códax Music Awards.
Do you miss it? Now you have a new oportunity to see it!
Tuesday August 16th, 2016
We go on with the pop-indie music. This time with Silvia Penide, winner in this category of the Martín Códax Music Awards.
Do you miss it? Now you have a new oportunity to see it!
Quería saber disponibilidad de horario para visitar las bodegas y tipo de visitas que se organizan.
Hola Maria Jesús,
Puedes comprobar los horarios y nuestras propuestas de enoturismo en la sección “Enoturismo”, en la parte de Visítanos.
Este es el link: https://www.martincodax.com/blog/es/enoturismo/
Un saludo.